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1 to 10 of 20 Results
Jun 27, 2017 - Church History
Nunn, Christopher, 2016, "Augustinian Correspondence Database (ACDb)",, heiDATA, V3
The Augustinian Correspondence Database, Version 3, (ACDb 3) contains all intertextual references noted in the editions of Alois Goldbacher, Klaus-Detlef Daur, and Johannes Divjak. In different sheets you find frequency of references sorted by content and scale of identifiability...
Feb 16, 2017 - Germania
Tasić, Nenad; Marić, Miroslav; Bronk Ramsey, Chris; Kromer, Bernd; Barclay, Alistair; Bayliss, Alex; Beavan, Nancy; Gaydarska, Bisserka; Whittle, Alasdair, 2016, "Vinča-Belo Brdo, Serbia: The times of a tell [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V2
A new radiocarbon dating programme for the sequence excavated by M. Vasić at the Neolithic site Vinča-Belo Brdo, Serbia, was designed within the framework of Bayesian chronological modeling. A total of 85 radiocarbon measurements are now available from 82 samples from known depth...
Dec 20, 2016 - AWI Experimental Economics
Krawczyk, Michal; Trautmann, Stefan T.; van de Kuilen, Gijs, 2016, "Catastrophic Risk: Social Influences on Insurance Decisions [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1
We study behavioral patterns of insurance demand for low-probability large-loss events (catastrophic losses). Individual patterns of belief formation and risk attitude that were suggested in the behavioral decisions literature emerge robustly in the current set of insurance choic...
Nov 7, 2016 - AWI Experimental Economics
Waichman, Israel; Voss, Andreas, 2016, "Payment Procedure in a Public Good Game Experiment: The Effects of Endowment Timing, Tangibility, and Source [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1
We study whether and how payment procedure affects behavior in a repeated public good game. To this end, we conducted five treatments, varying the times of paying the initial endowment (week before, before, or after the decisions) and the source of the initial endowment (windfall...
Nov 7, 2016 - AWI Experimental Economics
Trautmann, Stefan T.; König-Kersting, Christian, 2016, "Ambiguity Attitudes in Decisions for Others [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V2, UNF:5:+nuSVaYwRhcCKiFHfar1iA== [fileUNF]
We probe the pattern of ambiguity aversion for moderate-likelihood gain prospects, and ambiguity seeking for low-likelihood gain prospects, if people make decisions not for themselves but as agents for others. We confirm the pattern both with and without accountability.
Nov 2, 2016 - Perspektive Bibliothek
Boiger, Wolfgang, 2016, "MARC21-MARCXML-Konverter",, heiDATA, V1
Quellcode für eine Perl-Implementierung eines MARC21-MARCXML-Konverters.
Nov 2, 2016 - Perspektive Bibliothek
Drees, Bastian, 2016, "Text und Data Mining an wissenschaftlichen Repositorien und Publikationsservern in Deutschland - Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse einer Umfrage im Februar und März 2016",, heiDATA, V2
Es wurden die auf den Homepages angegebenen Ansprechpartner wissenschaftlicher Repositorien und Publikationsserver in Deutschland zu ihren Erfahrungen mit Text und Data Mining befragt. Die Befragung fand zwischen dem 22. und 26.2.2016 per E-Mail statt. Es wurden Ansprechpartner v...
Oct 28, 2016 - Multiple Myeloma Research Laboratory
Rème, Thierry; Emde, Martina; Seckinger, Anja; Hose, Dirk, 2016, "HDAMM-predictor: prediction of progression in asymptomatic myeloma patients",, heiDATA, V1
The HDAMM-predictor is based on microarray gene expression and predicts the risk of progression from asymptomatic to symptomatic myeloma. It divides the patients in three groups, from low to high risk to progress. It was generated according to the method published by Rème et al....
Oct 20, 2016 - DAH - International Journal for Digital Art History
Lincoln, Matthew D., 2016, "Social Network Centralization Dynamics in Print Production in the Low Countries, 1550-1750",, heiDATA, V2
Data on prints held by the Rijksmuseum and the British Museum, with derived network analysis data and visualization code.
Oct 20, 2016 - AWI Experimental Economics
Vanberg, Christoph, 2016, "Who never tells a lie? [Data set and Programs]",, heiDATA, V1
I experimentally investigate the hypothesis that many people avoid lying even in a situation where doing so would result in a Pareto improvement. Replicating (Erat and Gneezy, Management Science 58, 723-733, 2012), I find that a significant fraction of subjects tell the truth in...
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