Persistent Identifier
doi:10.11588/data/10092 |
Publication Date
2016-10-28 |
| HDAMM-predictor: prediction of progression in asymptomatic myeloma patients |
| Rème, Thierry
Emde, Martina
Seckinger, Anja
Hose, Dirk |
Point of Contact
Use email button above to contact.
Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Dr. biol. hom. Dirk Hose, Medizinische Klinik V, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 410, 69120 Heidelberg, 49-6221-566140 |
| The HDAMM-predictor is based on microarray gene expression and predicts the risk of progression from asymptomatic to symptomatic myeloma. It divides the patients in three groups, from low to high risk to progress. It was generated according to the method published by Rème et al. 2013. Gene expression profiles of 259 asymptomatic myeloma patients were used as trainingset. |
| Medicine, Health and Life Sciences |
| Multiple myeloma
Risk prediction
Asymptomatic myeloma
Prognosis |
Related Publication
| Seckinger A, Jauch A, Emde M, Beck S, Mohr M, Granzow M, Hielscher T, Rème T, Schnettler R, Fard N, Hinderhofer K, Pyl P T, Huber W, Benes V, Marciniak-Czochra A, Pantesco V, Ho A D, Klein B, Goldschmidt H, Hillengass J, Hose D. Asymptomatic Multiple Myeloma - (Molecular) Background of Progression, Evolution and Prognosis. Manuscript under review.
Seckinger A, Jauch A, Emde M, Beck S, Mohr M, Granzow M, Hielscher T, Rème T, Schnettler R, Fard N, Hinderhofer K, Pyl P T, Huber W, Benes V, Marciniak-Czochra A, Pantesco V, Ho A D, Klein B, Goldschmidt H, Hillengass J, Hose D. Asymptomatic Multiple Myeloma - (Molecular) Background of Progression, Evolution and Prognosis. Manuscript under review.
Rème T, Hose D, Theillet C, Klein B. Modeling risk stratification in human cancer. Bioinformatics 2013;29:1149-57. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btt124 |
| Rème, Thierry
Emde, Martina
Seckinger, Anja
Hose, Dirk |
Production Date
| 2016-02 |
Production Location
| Heidelberg, Germany |
Funding Information
| German Federal Ministry of Education (BMBF): "CAMPSIMM" (01ES1103)
e:Med research and funding concept: "CLIOMMICS" (01ZX1309)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: SFB/TRR79
Dietmar Hopp Stiftung: "Heidelberger Konzept zur Optimierung der Diagnostik und Therapie des Multiplen Myeloms"
EU (7th EU-framework program): "OverMyR" |
| heiDATA: Heidelberg Research Data Repository (University of Heidelberg) |
Deposit Date
| 2016-10-26 |
| 3.1.1, Version: 3.1.1
2.14, Version: 2.14 |
Related Material
| ArrayExpress, Accession number E-MTAB-316 |