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21 to 30 of 135 Results
Nov 22, 2022 - AWI Experimental Economics
Becker, Christoph K.; Trautmann, Stefan T., 2022, "Does Happiness Increase in Old Age? Longitudinal Evidence from 20 European Countries [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1
Several studies indicate that happiness follows a U-shape over the life cycle: Happiness decreases after the teenage years until reaching its nadir in middle age. A similar number of studies views the U-shape critically, stating that it is the result of the wrong controls or the...
Aug 2, 2022 - NCT - Section of Translational Medical Ethics
Anger, Michael; Wendelborn, Christian; Winkler, Eva; Schickhardt, Christoph, 2022, "Neither Carrots nor Sticks? Challenges surrounding Data Sharing from the Perspective of Research Funding Agencies – A Qualitative Expert Interview Study [Interview Excerpts]",, heiDATA, V1
This dataset contains summaries from interviews with data sharing experts from internationa funding agencies on their organisation's data sharing policy. Data Sharing is widely recognised as crucial for accelerating scientific research and improving its quality. However, data sha...
Jun 23, 2022 - Translational Health Economics
Jevdjevic, Milica; Listl, Stefan, 2022, "Economic impacts of oral diseases in 2019 - data for 194 countries",, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:vnazrLSpgQXypPHGj+JjLQ== [fileUNF]
Data for the global, regional, and country-level economic impacts of oral diseases in 2019. Methodology is based on: (1) Listl S, Galloway J, Mossey PA, Marcenes W. Global Economic Impact of Dental Diseases. J Dent Res. 2015;94:1355-61. (2) Righolt AJ, Jevdjevic M, Marcenes W, Li...
Translational Health Economics(Heidelberg University Hospital)
Jun 23, 2022
Forschungsgruppe AG Nikendei(Heidelberg University Hospital, Center for Psychosocial Medicine (CPM))
Jun 15, 2022
Collection of all Publications as well as the data, evaluations syntaxes and supplements the publications are based on of ‘Forschungsgruppe Nikendei’
Jun 3, 2022 - AWI Experimental Economics
Oechssler, Jörg; Reischmann, Andreas; Sofianos, Andis, 2022, "The conditional contribution mechanism for repeated public goods - The general case [Data & Replication package]",, heiDATA, V1
We present a new and simple mechanism for repeated public good environments. In the Conditional Contribution Mechanism (CCM), agents send two messages of the form, “I am willing to contribute x units to the public good if in total y units are contributed.” This mechanism offers a...
NCT - Section of Translational Medical Ethics(National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT))
NCT - Section of Translational Medical Ethics logo
May 30, 2022
Open Research Data from the Section of Translational Medical Ethics at the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT).
May 6, 2022 - Institut für Politische Wissenschaft - AG Tosun
Tosun, Jale; Koch, Marcus A., 2022, "Policy mixes for biodiversity: A diffusion analysis of state-level citizens’ initiatives in Germany [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:8qCURosLF1n/pFBwfrZeEg== [fileUNF]
The dataset contains data used to produce Figure 1 in the article.
May 4, 2022 - NATCOOP
Diekert, Florian; Eymess, Tillmann; Waichman, Israel; Luomba, Joseph, 2022, "The Creation of Social Norms under Weak Institutions [Data and Replication Package]",, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:H5X8w9DFjOePTOLLHlIDqw== [fileUNF]
These data, code, and documents replicate all analyses in "The Creation of Social Norms under Weak Institutions?" by Florian Diekert, Tillmann Eymess, Joseph Luomba, and Israel Waichman, in the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (JAERE).
Apr 8, 2022 - AWI Experimental Economics
Fehr, Dietmar; Rau, Hannes; Trautmann, Stefan T.; Yilong, Xu, 2022, "Inequality, fairness and social capital [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:0WCVNazM/mTrcTb4wo/FZQ== [fileUNF]
Inequality is often associated with negative societal consequences, but identifying a causal relationship is a daunting task. We provide evidence on the impact of unjust economic inequality on social interactions. Using a large-scale controlled experiment, we document that unjust...
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