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1 to 10 of 103 Results
Sep 17, 2024 - Bunz Group
Dr. Fuchs, Kathleen; Oberhof, Nils; Sauter, Gabriel; Pollien, Audrey; Brödner, Kerstin; Dr. Rominger, Frank; Dr. Freudenberg, Jan; Prof. Dr. Dreuw, Andreas; Prof. Dr. Tegeder, Petra; Prof. Dr. Bunz, Uwe H. F., 2024, "Azaacene Diradicals Based on Non-Kekulé Meta-Quinodimethane with Large Two-Photon Cross-Sections in the Infrared Spectral Region [data]",, heiDATA, V1
Research Data associated with the related publication. Abstract: Non-Kekulé quinoidal azaacences m-A (1a,b) were synthesized and compared to their para- and ortho-quinodimethane analogues. m-A display high diradical characters (1b: y0 = 0.88) due to their meta-quinodimethane (m-Q...
Sep 16, 2024 - Klinik für Anästhesiologie, Sektion Notfallmedizin
Katzenschlager, Stephan; Mohr, Stefan; Kaltschmidt, Nikolai; Peterstorfer, Franziska; Weilbacher, Frank; Günther, Patrick; Ries, Markus; Weigand, Markus A.; Popp, Erik, 2024, "Laryngeal mask vs. laryngeal tube trial in pediatric patients (LaMaTuPe): a single-blinded, open-label, randomized controlled trial [data]",, heiDATA, V1
Background Children have poor hypoxia tolerance; hence, airway management is crucial. While endotracheal intubation is the gold standard, this requires extensive experience. Current guidelines recommend the usage of laryngeal masks (LM) over laryngeal tubes (LT) based on randomiz...
Sep 11, 2024 - Institut für Politische Wissenschaft - AG Tosun
Nagel, Melanie; Tosun, Jale; Kellermann, Laura; Wiethaler, Cornelia; Marek, Charlene; Koch, Marcus, 2024, "Politische Maßnahmen zur Förderung einer nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft und deren Wahrnehmung durch ihre Zielgruppe",, heiDATA, V1
This dataset presents a selected information from the larger AgroBioDiv dataset produced for the purpose of publication.
Sep 10, 2024 - Institut für Politische Wissenschaft - AG Tosun
De Francesco, Fabrizio; Tosun, Jale, 2024, "The Enactment of Public Participation in Rulemaking: A Comparative Analysis [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1
These are the data for the replication of the statistical analysis in the article "The Enactment of Public Participation in Rulemaking: A Comparative Analysis". The dataset contains time-series (1995-2015) cross-sectional (39 OECD countries) observations, in csv format which was...
Sep 5, 2024 - Propylaeum@heiDATA
Noback, Andreas, 2024, "Ergänzungsdaten zu: Tageslichtsimulation verlorener Gebäudezustände am Beispiel der Hagia Sophia Justinians",, heiDATA, V1
Data related to the doctoral disseration "Tageslichtsimulation verlorener Gebäudezustände am Beispiel der Hagia Sophia Justinians" including perspective images optimised in contrast for exemination on displays, graphics from the publication with respective data and raw simulation...
Aug 30, 2024 - Göpfrich Group - Biophysical Engineering of Life
Walther, Tobias; Afting, Cassian; Drozdowski, Oliver M.; Schlagheck, Christina; Schwarz, Ulrich S.; Wittbrodt, Joachim; Göpfrich, Kerstin, 2024, "DNA microbeads for spatio-temporally controlled morphogen release within organoids [Research data]",, heiDATA, V1
Organoids have proven to be powerful in vitro model systems that mimic features of the corresponding tissue in vivo. However, across tissue types and species, organoids still often fail to reach full maturity and function because biochemical cues cannot be provided from within th...
Aug 28, 2024 - Division of Infectious Disease and Tropical Medicine
Denkinger, Claudia, 2024, "ALL POCUS TB study",, heiDATA, V2, UNF:6:/p92m/3Uqyq9FnmKQGbLXQ== [fileUNF]
Study Protocol and Statistical Analysis Plan for ALL POCUS TB Study --- ALL POCUS TB is a prospective, cross-sectional multicentre cohort study in which the accuracy and the diagnostic yield of Tuberculosis-focused point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) and image interpretation with ar...
Aug 22, 2024 - NATCOOP
Diekert, Florian; Eymess, Tillmann, 2024, "Changing Collective Action: Nudges and Team Decisions [Data and Replication Package]",, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:YKjHlV4nfwpAYUk7DQKBqg== [fileUNF]
These data, code, and documents replicate all analyses in "Changing Collective Action: Nudges and Team Decisions" by Florian Diekert and Tillmann Eymess.
Aug 21, 2024 - Archäologische Informationen
Siegmund, Frank, 2024, "R-Code zu: Sorg, M. (2022). Fibelausstattung und Lebensalter in der Merowingerzeit: Studien zu Abnutzung und Gebrauch frühmittelalterlicher Bügelfibeln",, heiDATA, V1
Commented R Code used for the re-analysis of the data from Sorg 2022 with results deeply diverging from Sorg 2022.
Aug 21, 2024 - Archäologische Informationen
Siegmund, Frank, 2024, "Ergänzungsmaterial zu: Population trend in the Merovingian era in Western and Southern Germany",, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:II9t4N8hWESoOfgXp8uCmA== [fileUNF]
Data on Early Medieval population growth in Western and Southern Germany, based on the number of cemeteries and on the number of archaeologically dated graves.
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