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1 to 10 of 15 Results
Sep 18, 2023 - Forschungsgruppe AG Nikendei
Kindermann, David; Rollmann, Ivo; Orth, Maximilian; Friederich, Hans-Christoph; Nikendei, Christoph, 2023, "Direct and indirect effects of adverse and protective childhood experiences on symptom improvement in psychotherapy [results]",, heiDATA, V4
Analysis of the psychotherapy data from the HIP (Heidelberger Institute for Psychotherapy). We checked whether the speed of patients' symptom improvement depended on their childhood experiences. We used the structural integration of personality as mediating factors.
Jul 11, 2023 - CryoEM
Wacker, Irene; Curticean, Ronald; Ryklin, Daniel; Weidinger, Britta; Mayer, Frederik; Huang, Li-Yu; Hoffmann, Julian; Islam, Monsur; von Coelln, Nadine; Schmitt, Tanja; Huck, Christian; Tegeder, Petra; Feist, Florian; Kammerer, Jochen A.; Barner-Kowollik, Christopher; Wegener, Martin; Blasco, Eva; Gengenbach, Ulrich; Schröder, Rasmus R., 2023, "Deconstructing 3D Structured Materials by Modern Ultramicrotomy for Multimodal Imaging and Volume Analysis Across Length Scales [Research data and source code]",, heiDATA, V1
Based on the rapid advances in additive manufacturing, micro-patterned heterostructures of soft materials have become available that need to be characterized down to the nanoscale. Advanced function-structure relationships are designed by direct 3D structuring of the object and –...
Feb 23, 2023 - IPW Migration Research
Harnisch, Sebastian; Lujic, Tijana; Potinius, Katharina, 2023, "Strategic Migration Policy - HD.SMP 1.0 [research data]",, heiDATA, V1
As part of the Strategic Migration Policy project, a dataset (HD.SMP 1.0) was developed that systematizes and codes bilateral migration agreements of the destination countries/regions of the European Union and its member states, Switzerland, Norway, the United States, Canada, New...
IPW Migration Research(Institute for Political Science, Heidelberg University)
Feb 23, 2023
Open research data on migration from the Institute for Political Science
Jul 27, 2022 - Cluster of Excellence - Asia and Europe in a Global Context
Arnold, Matthias, 2022, "Early Chinese Periodicals Online (ECPO) [Metadata]",, heiDATA, V1
ECPO joins several important digital collections of the early Chinese press and puts them into a single overarching framework. In the first phase, several databases on early women’s periodicals and entertainment publishing were created: “Chinese Women’s Magazines in the Late Qing...
Forschungsgruppe AG Nikendei(Heidelberg University Hospital, Center for Psychosocial Medicine (CPM))
Jun 15, 2022
Collection of all Publications as well as the data, evaluations syntaxes and supplements the publications are based on of ‘Forschungsgruppe Nikendei’
Jan 19, 2022 - Thomas Lab
Pham, Truc Lam; Kovermann, Michael; Thomas, Franziska, 2022, "Switchable Zinc (II)-Responsive Globular β-Sheet Peptide [Research Data]",, heiDATA, V1
The natural function of many proteins depends on their ability to switch their conformation driven by environmental changes. In this work, we present a small, monomeric β-sheet peptide that switches between a molten globule and a folded state through Zn(II) binding. The solvent-e...
Thomas Lab(Institute of Organic Chemistry)
Jan 19, 2022
Open Research Data from the Thomas Lab at the Institute of Organic Chemistry of Heidelberg University.
Dec 15, 2021 - Blasco Group
Vazquez-Martel, Clara; Becker, Lukas; Liebig, Wilfried V.; Elsner, Peter; Blasco, Eva, 2021, "Vegetable Oils as Sustainable Inks for Additive Manufacturing: A Comparative Study [Data]",, heiDATA, V1
The use of biobased materials in additive manufacturing is arising as a promising approach to modernize the polymer industry reducing its environmental impact. Herein, novel sustainable formulations are developed for digital light processing (DLP) using five vegetable oils─sunflo...
Blasco Group(Heidelberg University, Institute of Organic Chemistry)
Dec 15, 2021
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