IC 116.pdf

This file is part of "Supplementary Material to: "Lu Xun on Display: Memory, Space and Media in the Making of World Literary Heritage or The Materiality of World Literary Heritage: Memory, Space and Media in the Making of Lu Xun"".

Version 1.0
File Citation
Graf, Emily, 2023, "IC 116.pdf", Supplementary Material to: "Lu Xun on Display: Memory, Space and Media in the Making of World Literary Heritage or The Materiality of World Literary Heritage: Memory, Space and Media in the Making of Lu Xun", https://doi.org/10.11588/data/82ZUXN/7ADLWY, heiDATA, V1
Dataset Citation
Graf, Emily, 2023, "Supplementary Material to: "Lu Xun on Display: Memory, Space and Media in the Making of World Literary Heritage or The Materiality of World Literary Heritage: Memory, Space and Media in the Making of Lu Xun"", https://doi.org/10.11588/data/82ZUXN, heiDATA, V1
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