1 to 4 of 4 Results
Jun 13, 2020
Beilharz, Benjamin; Sun, Xin, 2019, "LibriVoxDeEn - A Corpus for German-to-English Speech Translation and Speech Recognition", https://doi.org/10.11588/data/TMEDTX, heiDATA, V2
This dataset is a corpus of sentence-aligned triples of German audio, German text, and English translation, based on German audio books. The corpus consists of over 100 hours of audio material and over 50k parallel sentences. The speech data are low in disfluencies because of the... |
Jun 18, 2014
Hieber, Felix; Schamoni, Shigehiko; Sokolov, Artem; Riezler, Stefan, 2014, "WikiCLIR: A Cross-Lingual Retrieval Dataset from Wikipedia", https://doi.org/10.11588/data/10003, heiDATA, V1
WikiCLIR is a large-scale (German-English) retrieval data set for Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIR). It contains a total of 245,294 German single-sentence queries with 3,200,393 automatically extracted relevance judgments for 1,226,741 English Wikipedia articles as docu... |
Jun 16, 2014
Sokolov, Artem; Jehl Laura; Hieber Felix; Ruppert, Eugen; Riezler, Stefan, 2014, "BoostCLIR: JP-EN Relevance Marked Patent Corpus", https://doi.org/10.11588/data/10001, heiDATA, V1
BoostCLIR is a bilingual (Japanese-English) corpus of patent abstracts, extracted from the MAREC patent data, and the data from the NTCIR PatentMT workshop collections, accompanied with relevance judgements for the task of patent prior-art search. Important: The English side of t... |
Jun 16, 2014
Wäschle, Katharina; Riezler, Stefan, 2014, "PatTR: Patent Translation Resource", https://doi.org/10.11588/data/10002, heiDATA, V3
PatTR is a sentence-parallel corpus extracted from the MAREC patent collection. The current version contains more than 22 million German-English and 18 million French-English parallel sentences collected from all patent text sections as well as 5 million German-French sentence pa... |