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1 to 10 of 12 Results
Nov 2, 2018 - AWI Experimental Economics
Oechssler, Jörg; Roider, Andreas; Schmitz, Patrick W., 2018, "Cognitive Abilities and Behavioral Biases [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:Ur0lg1+9V8E/LgM9GE822w== [fileUNF]
We use a simple, three-item test for cognitive abilities to investigate whether established behavioral biases that play a prominent role in behavioral economics and finance are related to cognitive abilities.We find that higher test scores on the cognitive reflection test of Fred...
Nov 2, 2018 - AWI Experimental Economics
Oechssler, Jörg; Roider, Andreas; Schmitz, Patrick W., 2018, "Cooling Off in Negotiations: Does it Work? [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:Cbv7eaNL5WmdjsNqlQQScQ== [fileUNF]
Negotiations frequently end in conflict after one party rejects a final offer. In a large-scale Internet experiment, we investigate whether a 24-hour cooling-off period leads to fewer rejections in ultimatum bargaining. We conduct a standard cash treatment and a lottery treatment...
Jul 20, 2018 - Psychological Research Methods
Bucher, Alica; Voss, Andreas, 2018, "Judging the mood of the crowd: Attention is focused on happy faces [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1
Previous research on valence biases in face perception revealed inconsistent findings either proposing angry or happy faces to be detected more efficiently. We argue that the typical experimental task in this field, the face-in-the-crowd (FiC) paradigm, lacks ecological validity...
Jun 28, 2018 - AWI Experimental Economics
Schwieren, Christiane; Ceccato, Smarandita; Kettner, Sara E.; Kudielka, Brigitte; Voss, Andreas, 2018, "Social Preferences under Chronic Stress [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1
Even though chronic stress is a pervasive problem in contemporary societies and is known to potentially precede both adverse psychological as well as physiological conditions, its effects on decision making have not been systematically investigated. In this paper, we focus on the...
Jun 22, 2018 - Psychological Research Methods
Voss, Andreas; Mertens, Ulf K.; Radev, Stefan T., 2018, "Learning the Likelihood: Using DeepInference for the Estimation of Diffusion-Model and Lévy Flight Parameters [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1
In the corresponding paper, we use the recently develop DeepInference architecture as a general likelihood-free method to estimate parameters of cognitive models. DeepInference is a machine-learning algorithm based on the training of convolutional neural networks. In a first step...
Psychological Research Methods(Heidelberg University - Institute of Psychology)
Jun 22, 2018
Data publications from the research unit "Quantitative Research Methods" (Heidelberg University - Institute of Psychology).
Jun 17, 2018 - AWI Experimental Economics
Xu, Yilong; Xu, Xiaogeng; Tucker, Steven, 2018, "Ambiguity Attitudes in the Loss Domain: Decisions for Self versus Others [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:SxDjm/HSLtSILr2x39sg5g== [fileUNF]
We study whether people’s ambiguity attitudes differ when deciding for themselves or for others in the loss domain. We find no differences in ambiguity attitudes between self- and other-regarding decision-making. Our results are consistent with the loss part of the fourfold patte...
May 20, 2018 - AWI Experimental Economics
Kocher, Martin G.; Schindler, David; Trautmann, Stefan T.; Xu, Yilong, 2018, "Risk, time pressure, and selection effects [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:pP3XUM9b1UVsjEaoU0RTig== [fileUNF]
Time pressure is a central aspect of economic decision making nowadays. It is therefore natural to ask how time pressure affects decisions, and how to detect individual heterogeneity in the ability to successfully cope with time pressure. In the context of risky decisions, we ask...
Apr 23, 2018 - AWI Experimental Economics
Kirchmaier, Isadora; Jens Prüfer; Trautmann, Stefan T., 2018, "Religion, moral attitudes and economic behavior [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:MuyPmqfxkF5LETTP7Zp3OA== [fileUNF]
Using data for a representative sample of the Dutch population with information about participants’ religious background, we study the association between religion and moral behavior and attitudes. We find that religious people are less accepting of unethical economic behavior (e...
Apr 18, 2018 - AWI Experimental Economics
Trautmann, Stefan T.; Wakker, Peter P., 2018, "Making the Anscombe-Aumann approach to ambiguity suitable for descriptive applications [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1
The Anscombe-Aumann (AA) model, originally introduced to give a normative basis to expected utility, is nowadays mostly used for another purpose: to analyze deviations from expected utility due to ambiguity (unknown probabilities). The AA model makes two ancillary assumptions tha...
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