1 to 10 of 68 Results
Jan 7, 2022 - IWR Visual Learning Lab
Brachmann, Eric, 2020, "DSAC* Visual Re-Localization [Data]", https://doi.org/10.11588/data/N07HKC, heiDATA, V2
Supplementary training data for visual camera re-localization, particularly rendered depth maps to be used in combination with the MSR 7Scenes dataset, and the Stanford 12Scenes dataset, as well as precomputed camera coordinate files for both aforementioned datasets. For more inf... |
Jan 20, 2021 - Empirical Linguistics and Computational Language Modeling (LiMo)
van den Berg, Esther; Korfhage, Katharina; Ruppenhofer, Josef; Wiegand, Michael; Markert, Katja, 2020, "German Twitter Titling Corpus", https://doi.org/10.11588/data/AOSUY6, heiDATA, V2, UNF:6:14BxjwJS7Q3mfI6ei7iBBw== [fileUNF]
The German Titling Twitter Corpus consists of 1904 stance-annotated tweets collected in June/July 2018 mentioning 24 German politicians with a doctoral degree. The Addendum contains an additional 296 stance-annotated tweets from each month of 2018 mentioning 10 politicians with a... |
Dec 16, 2020 - Propylaeum@heiDATA
Höltkemeier, Svenja, 2020, "Ergänzungsmaterial zu: L’usage des ressources animales au Néolithique en Mittelelbe-Saale (Allemagne centrale): la faune des enceintes de Wallendorf « Hutberg » et Salzmünde « Schiepzig » dans leur contexte régional", https://doi.org/10.11588/data/QXMSS3, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:uYT4Ro8k3SsPAAn7Fro8yA== [fileUNF]
Das Mittelelbe-Saale-Gebiet war zwischen 4200 und 2800 v. Chr. von verschiedenen frühbäuerlichen Kulturen besiedelt. Um die kulturelle Vielfalt und die Entwicklung der Tiernutzung zu erfassen, wurden die Faunenreste der zwei bedeutenden Fundplätze Wallendorf » Hutberg « und Salzm... |
Dec 15, 2020 - GIScience / Geoinformatics Research Group
Ludwig, Christina; Hecht, Robert; Lautenbach, Sven; Schorcht, Martin; Zipf, Alexander, 2020, "Mapping Public Urban Green Spaces based on OpenStreetMap and Sentinel-2 imagery using Belief Functions: Data and Source Code", https://doi.org/10.11588/data/UYSAA5, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:+pceldpLQoaQQqPk4/t1VQ== [fileUNF]
Public urban green spaces are important for the urban quality of life. Still, comprehensive open data sets on urban green spaces are not available for most cities. As open and globally available data sets the potential of Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and OpenStreetMap (OSM) data... |
Nov 23, 2020 - Heidelberg University Language and Cognition Lab
Stutterheim, Christiane von; Lambert, Monique; Gerwien, Johannes, 2020, "Limitations on the role of frequency in L2 acquisition [Dataset]", https://doi.org/10.11588/data/ZMWDP5, heiDATA, V2
This data set contains files associated with a study on motion event encoding in three L1 (French, German, English) and two L2 (German, English) groups of speakers. The L2 speakers are native speakers of French. Participants viewed short video clips and described them spontaneous... |
Nov 20, 2020 - Heidelberg University Language and Cognition Lab
Gerwien, Johannes, 2020, "HULC lab Tutorials", https://doi.org/10.11588/data/UCRWJ4, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:d+tEfgtyM+i4BH7SobuFkg== [fileUNF]
This archive provides data sets for the use in several tutorials/manuals on empirical research methods in Psycholinguistics/Cognitive Science created by members of the Heidelberg University Language & Cognition Lab. We recommend to download respective files in the original format... |
Nov 18, 2020 - OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality
Arnoux, Mathilde, 2020, "OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality [Research Data]", https://doi.org/10.11588/data/ZMIHMY, heiDATA, V2, UNF:6:X76d8KoGv90iVhPYxFovpg== [fileUNF]
These data are constitutif of a base gathering the sources and results of the research project "OwnReality.To Each His Own Reality. The notion of the real in the fine arts of France, West Germany, East Germany and Poland between 1960 and 1989" conducted from 2011 to 2017. The mai... |
Nov 9, 2020 - AWI Experimental Economics
König-Kersting, Christian; Pollmann, Monique; Potters, Jan; Trautmann, Stefan T., 2020, "Good decision vs. good results: Outcome bias in the evaluation of financial agents [Dataset]", https://doi.org/10.11588/data/HQW24W, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:bFbob63euOZqXO04dtgSBQ== [fileUNF]
We document outcome bias in situations where an agent makes risky financial decisions for a principal. In three experiments, we show that the principal’s eval- uations and financial rewards for the agent are strongly affected by the random outcome of the risky investment. This ha... |
Nov 5, 2020 - Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission
Regenye, Judit, 2020, "Narratives for Lengyel funerary practice (Supplementary Material)", https://doi.org/10.11588/data/2EVBVW, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:MxTchY/kk0cK40hJKw0Jjw== [fileUNF]
Supplementary tables 1–6; supplementary figures 1–3 |
Nov 5, 2020 - Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission
Müller-Scheeßel, Nils, 2020, "The LBK site of Vráble in Southwestern Slovakia: Selected results of the excavation season 2016 (Supplementary Material)", https://doi.org/10.11588/data/HF0LX9, heiDATA, V1
Table 8 |