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1 to 10 of 63 Results
Feb 19, 2024 - SFB 933 Materiale Textkulturen - Teilprojekt C05
Philipp Friedhofen, Ludger Lieb, Michael R. Ott, Laura Velte, 2019, "Erzählte Inschriften in der Literatur des Mittelalters (Projektdatenbank)",, heiDATA, V3, UNF:6:zYyA6vs0VkcR2qiIHbGcVw== [fileUNF]
Diese Datenpublikation entstammt dem Teilprojekt C05 (»Inschriftlichkeit. Reflexionen materialer Textkultur in der Literatur des 12. bis 17. Jahrhunderts«) des Sonderforschungsbereichs 933 (»Materiale Textkulturen«, Förderzeitraum: 2011–2023). Im Rahmen des Teilprojekts wurden er...
Mar 26, 2021 - IWR Computer Graphics
Mara, Hubert, 2019, "HeiCuBeDa Hilprecht - Heidelberg Cuneiform Benchmark Dataset for the Hilprecht Collection",, heiDATA, V2
The number of known cuneiform tablets is assumed to be in the hundreds of thousands. A fraction has been published by printing photographs and manual tracings in books, which is collected by the online Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI) catalog including some of these im...
Jun 13, 2020 - Statistical Natural Language Processing Group
Beilharz, Benjamin; Sun, Xin, 2019, "LibriVoxDeEn - A Corpus for German-to-English Speech Translation and Speech Recognition",, heiDATA, V2
This dataset is a corpus of sentence-aligned triples of German audio, German text, and English translation, based on German audio books. The corpus consists of over 100 hours of audio material and over 50k parallel sentences. The speech data are low in disfluencies because of the...
Feb 26, 2020 - Psychological Research Methods
Bucher, Alica; Voss, Andreas; Spaniol, Julia; Hische, Amelie; Sauer, Nicole, 2019, "Age differences in emotion perception in a multiple target setting: An eye-tracking study [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V2
Research focusing on the association between age and emotion perception has revealed inconsistent findings, with some support for an age-related positivity effect, as predicted by socioemotional selectivity theory. We used the mood-of-the-crowd (MoC) task to investigate whether o...
Dec 16, 2019 - PhD related material - Geosciences
Ritter, Simon, 2019, "Unravelling the formation of Hells Bells: underwater speleothems from the Yucatán Peninsula [Data]",, heiDATA, V2, UNF:6:WXDVvAQ9OEYqhDjPXPlhqg== [fileUNF]
Hells Bells are unique bell-shaped underwater speleothems recently discovered in deep meromictic sinkholes (cenotes) on the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. In order to unravel the underwater growth of Hells Bells and identify the mechanism of subaqueous calcite precipita-tion, several...
Dec 10, 2019 - Empirical Linguistics and Computational Language Modeling (LiMo)
Becker, Maria, 2019, "GER_SET: Situation Entity Type labelled corpus for German",, heiDATA, V1
Semantic clause types, also called Situation Entity (SE) types (Smith, 2003) are linguistic characterizations of aspectual properties shown to be useful for tasks like argumentation structure analysis (Becker et al., 2016), genre characterization (Palmer and Friedrich, 2014), and...
Nov 22, 2019 - Germania
Brozio, Jan Piet, 2019, "Zur absoluten Chronologie der Einzelgrabkultur in Norddeutschland und Nordjütland [Supplement]",, heiDATA, V2, UNF:6:PZt1V6obgH7b1f61ZaYOBA== [fileUNF]
Mit der Absicht ein typochronologisches Modell der geschweiften Becher der norddeutschen Einzelgrabkultur und damit eine detaillierte chronologische Differenzierung für die Diskussion historischer Prozesse zu entwickeln, erfolgt zunächst eine absolutchronologische Einordnung der...
Nov 21, 2019 - Theoretical Physics
Hofmann, Andreas; Müggenburg, Jan; Heermann, Dieter W., 2019, "Bekvaem: Integrative Data Exploration of Genomic Data",, heiDATA, V1
Using modern open-source libraries for web-based visualizations and data-processing, Bekvaem, a generic framework for the creation of data exploration software is introduced. Providing a high-level interface to fast low-level routines and employing open formats for the data stora...
Nov 4, 2019 - AWI Experimental Economics
Schmidt, Robert, 2019, "Capitalizing on the (False) Consensus Effect: Two Tractable Methods to Elicit Private Information [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:NNk+dDpsSu2ZXVMSVkJtQQ== [fileUNF]
We propose and experimentally test two tractable methods to incentivize the elicitation of private information: Benchmark and Coordination. Both mechanisms capitalize on the false consensus effect, a well-documented phenomenon that follows Bayesian reasoning. That is, individuals...
Nov 4, 2019 - AWI Experimental Economics
Schmidt, Robert, 2019, "Do Injunctive or Descriptive Social Norms Elicited Using Coordination Games Better Explain Social Preferences? [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:naic0kj9nUrUokAIwMt12A== [fileUNF]
We experimentally study the relationship between social norms and social preferences on the individual level. Subjects coordinate on injunctive and descriptive norms, and we test which type of norm is more strongly related to behavior in a series of dictator games. Our experiment...
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