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1 to 10 of 43 Results
Nov 11, 2014 - Archäologische Berichte
Lau, Christian, 2014, "Zur Keramikchronologie der Römischen Kaiserzeit in Ostwestfalen anhand der Siedlungen von Enger, Hüllhorst und Kirchlengern im Ravensberger Land [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V5, UNF:5:OEbDJcUB8jMIMxQcaw2IOA== [fileUNF]
Dissertation über römisch-kaiserzeitliche Keramik aus Ostwestfalen, inkl. Datensätzen zu den (keramischen) Funden und den Befunden sowie den durchgeführten Seriation en; zu den Details siehe die Datei "Erläuterungen"
Aug 13, 2014 - Database Systems Research Group
Strötgen, Jannik; Gertz, Michael, 2014, "WikiWarsDE Corpus",, heiDATA, V1
The WikiWarsDE corpus is a German corpus containing Wikipedia articles with annotations of temporal expressions. Its creation was motivated by the English WikiWars corpus (Mazur & Dale 2010). WikiWarsDE was developed to support research on temporal information extraction and norm...
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Suppl. Fig. 22. Galbraith plot for trials investigating hypothyroidism any under immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy in solid tumors, n= 80 trials.
Mar 27, 2023 - Institute of Organic Chemistry - AK Mastalerz
Roß, Lisa; Reitemeier, Julius; Ghalami, Farhad; Zhang, Wen-Shan; Gross, Jürgen H.; Rominger, Frank; Elbert, Sven M.; Schröder, Rasmus; Elstner, Marcus; Mastalerz, Michael, 2023, "Two Dimensional Triptycene End-Capping and Its Influence on the Self-Assembly of Quinoxalinophenanthrophenazines [Data]",, heiDATA, V1
A series of quinoxalinophenanthrophenazines (QPPs) with two-dimensional triptycene end-caps was synthesized from a triphenylene base ortho-diamine. UV/vis spectroscopy suggested the formation of dimers in solution which was further confirmed by MALDI-TIMS-TOF-MS and single crysta...
Oct 9, 2018 - Cluster of Excellence - Asia and Europe in a Global Context
Sablin, Ivan; Kuchinskiy, Aleksandr; Korobeinikov, Aleksandr; Mikhaylov, Sergey; Kudinov, Oleg; Kitaeva, Yana; Aleksandrov, Pavel; Zimina, Maria; Zhidkov, Gleb, 2015, "Transcultural Empire: Geographic Information System of the 1897 and 1926 General Censuses in the Russian Empire and Soviet Union",, heiDATA, V3
The geographic information system (GIS) is based on the first and only Russian Imperial Census of 1897 and the First All-Union Census of the Soviet Union of 1926. The GIS features vector data (shapefiles) of allprovinces of the two states. For the 1897 census, there is informatio...
Feb 6, 2023 - Bunz Group
Zhu Wu; Nikolai Hippchen; Jie Han; Lei Ji; Alexandra Friedrich; Ivo Krummenacher; Holger Braunschweig; Johannes Krebs; Michael Moos; Philipp Biegger; Olena Tverskoy; Steffen Maier; Christoph Lambert; Andreas Dreuw; Todd B. Marder; Jan Freudenberg; Uwe H. F. Bunz, 2023, "The Radical Anion and Dianion of Benzo[3,4]cyclobuta[1,2-b]phenazine [NMR data]",, heiDATA, V1
The data set includes the NMR data for the puplication: "The Radical Anion and Dianion of Benzo[3,4]cyclobuta[1,2-b]phenazine". We present the reduction of two azaarenes, featuring a single cyclobutadiene unit, to their radical anions and dianions. The reduced species were prepar...
Jan 18, 2017 - Cluster of Excellence - Asia and Europe in a Global Context
Ettmueller, Eliane Ursula; Arnold, Matthias; Alisch, Johannes; Sassani, Nina; Kempf, Florian; Harder, Hans, 2017, "The Abou Naddara Collection - James Sanua's complete works",, heiDATA, V1
Access to James Sanua's journal publications and his extensive oeuvre has hitherto been difficult. Therefore, the journalistic and artistic material of the Paris-exiled Egyptian nationalist has hardly received the degree of scholarly attention it actually deserves. Nevertheless,...
Nov 2, 2016 - Perspektive Bibliothek
Drees, Bastian, 2016, "Text und Data Mining an wissenschaftlichen Repositorien und Publikationsservern in Deutschland - Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse einer Umfrage im Februar und März 2016",, heiDATA, V2
Es wurden die auf den Homepages angegebenen Ansprechpartner wissenschaftlicher Repositorien und Publikationsserver in Deutschland zu ihren Erfahrungen mit Text und Data Mining befragt. Die Befragung fand zwischen dem 22. und 26.2.2016 per E-Mail statt. Es wurden Ansprechpartner v...
Jul 24, 2014 - AWI Experimental Economics
Kocher, Martin G.; Pahlke, Julius; Trautmann, Stefan T., 2014, "Tempus Fugit: Time Pressure in Risky Decisions [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V2
We study the effects of time pressure on risky decisions for pure gain prospects, pure loss prospects, and mixed prospects involving both gains and losses. In two experiments we find that time pressure has no effect on risk attitudes for gains, but increases risk aversion for los...
Apr 17, 2023 - GIScience / Geoinformatics Research Group
Knoblauch, Steffen; Li, Hao; Lautenbach, Sven; Elshiaty, Yara; Rocha, Antônio A. de A.; Resch, Bernd; Arifi, Dorian; Jänisch, Thomas; Ivonne Morales; Zipf, Alexander, 2023, "Semi-supervised water tank detection to support vector control of emerging infectious diseases transmitted by Aedes Aegpyti [Research Data]",, heiDATA, V1
WATER TANK DETECTION MODEL OF JOURNAL PAPER (Semi-supervised water tank detection to support vector control of emerging infectious diseases transmitted by Aedes Aegypti) The disease transmitting mosquito Aedes Aegypti is an increasing global threat. It breeds in small artificial...
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