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31 to 40 of 52 Results
Oct 22, 2019 - Empirical Linguistics and Computational Language Modeling (LiMo)
Becker, Maria, 2019, "Genre-sensitive Neural Situation Entity classifier (DE, EN)",, heiDATA, V1
This is a Classifier for situation entity types as described in Becker et al., 2017. These clause types depend on a combination of syntactic-semantic and contextual features. We explore this task in a deeplearning framework, where tuned word representations capture lexical, synta...
Feb 5, 2019 - Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine
Davids, M.; Zöllner, F.; Ruttorf, M.; Nees, F.; Flor, H.; Schumann, G.; Schad, L.; the Imagen Consortium, 2019, "Fully-automated quality assurance in multi-center studies using MRI phantom measurements [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1
43 measurements acquired in eight different sites within the IMAGEN-project, comprising the following 3 T scanner types: Siemens Verio and TimTrio; General Electric Signa Excite, and Signa HDx; Philips Achieva. Additionally one phantom data set was aquired on a 3 T Siemens Skyra...
Aug 28, 2019 - Germania
Roxburgh, Marcus; Olli, Maarja, 2019, "Eyes to the North: a multi-element analysis of copper-alloy eye brooches in the eastern Baltic, produced during the Roman Iron Age [Supplement]",, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:EnP0e/xxKuwYHp2brVn3sw== [fileUNF]
Roman Iron Age. Their forms bear strong similarities to those found much further south in Germania and the northern Roman provinces, leading to the conclusion that they originally arrived in the region as imports, perhaps by sea from an as yet undiscovered production centre in an...
Feb 19, 2024 - SFB 933 Materiale Textkulturen - Teilprojekt C05
Philipp Friedhofen, Ludger Lieb, Michael R. Ott, Laura Velte, 2019, "Erzählte Inschriften in der Literatur des Mittelalters (Projektdatenbank)",, heiDATA, V3, UNF:6:zYyA6vs0VkcR2qiIHbGcVw== [fileUNF]
Diese Datenpublikation entstammt dem Teilprojekt C05 (»Inschriftlichkeit. Reflexionen materialer Textkultur in der Literatur des 12. bis 17. Jahrhunderts«) des Sonderforschungsbereichs 933 (»Materiale Textkulturen«, Förderzeitraum: 2011–2023). Im Rahmen des Teilprojekts wurden er...
Nov 4, 2019 - AWI Experimental Economics
Schmidt, Robert, 2019, "Do Injunctive or Descriptive Social Norms Elicited Using Coordination Games Better Explain Social Preferences? [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:naic0kj9nUrUokAIwMt12A== [fileUNF]
We experimentally study the relationship between social norms and social preferences on the individual level. Subjects coordinate on injunctive and descriptive norms, and we test which type of norm is more strongly related to behavior in a series of dictator games. Our experiment...
Jan 29, 2019 - AWI Experimental Economics
Trautmann, Stefan T., 2019, "Distance from a Distance: The Robustness of Psychological Distance Effects [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:Rk3oq4gQ95R1nr48tgqV+Q== [fileUNF]
Psychological distance effects have attracted the attention of behavioral economists in the context of descriptive modeling and behavioral policy. Indeed, psychological distance effects have been shown for an increasing number of domains and applications relevant to economic deci...
Jul 15, 2019 - Empirical Linguistics and Computational Language Modeling (LiMo)
Nastase, Vivi; Fritz, Devon; Frank, Anette, 2019, "DeModify",, heiDATA, V1
deModify consists of 3631 instances, each with three annotations obtained through CrowdFlower. An instance is a short story in which a modifier is annotated with respect to its impact on the information in the story, assessed through its deletion from the context: crucial, not-cr...
Feb 6, 2019 - Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine
Zöllner, Frank; Lietzmann, Florian; Attenberger, Ulrike; Haneder, Stefan; Michaely, Henrik; Schad, Lothar, 2019, "DCE-MRI of the human kidney using BLADE: A feasibility study in healthy volunteers [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1
To evaluate the degree of motion compensation in the kidney using two different sampling methods, each in their optimized settings: A BLADE k-space acquisition technique and a routinely used kidney perfusion acquisition scheme (TurboFLASH). Dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic reso...
Feb 1, 2019 - SFB 933 Materiale Textkulturen - Teilprojekt B11
Sauer, Hein, 2019, "Datenpublikation zu materialen Formierungen musiktheoretischer Konzepte: Praxeologie eines Fachschrifttums im ausgehenden Mittelalter",, heiDATA, V1
Das Projekt untersucht in der Überlieferung musiktheoretischer Texte an der Wende vom Spätmittelalter zur frühen Neuzeit die inhaltliche Konstitution, materiale Gestaltung und praktische Verwendung von Handschriften (und auch frühen Drucken): Wie wird theoretisches Wissen über Mu...
Sep 27, 2019 - Medical Informatics
Seitz, Max W.; Listl, Stefan; Bartols, Andreas; Schubert, Ingrid; Blaschke, Katja; Haux, Christian; van der Zande, Marieke M., 2019, "Current knowledge on correlations between highly prevalent dental conditions and chronic diseases: an umbrella review [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1
Introduction: There are existing studies investigating relationships between chronic systemic and dental conditions, but it remains unclear how such knowledge can be used in clinical practice. The present report provides an overview on existing systematic reviews, identifying and...
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