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1 to 10 of 167 Results
Nov 11, 2014 - Archäologische Berichte
Lau, Christian, 2014, "Zur Keramikchronologie der Römischen Kaiserzeit in Ostwestfalen anhand der Siedlungen von Enger, Hüllhorst und Kirchlengern im Ravensberger Land [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V5, UNF:5:OEbDJcUB8jMIMxQcaw2IOA== [fileUNF]
Dissertation über römisch-kaiserzeitliche Keramik aus Ostwestfalen, inkl. Datensätzen zu den (keramischen) Funden und den Befunden sowie den durchgeführten Seriation en; zu den Details siehe die Datei "Erläuterungen"
Jun 26, 2015 - DAH - International Journal for Digital Art History
De la Rosa, Javier; Suárez, Juan-Luis, 2015, "A Quantitative Approach to Beauty [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1
The purpose of the the data collection was to determine the shape of the change in beauty in depicted faces over time. The dataset is comprised by almost 120,000 paintings from different times and styles.
Dec 17, 2015 - Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Antretter, Marlene; Eller, Dirk; Elstermann, Hannes; Geissler, Stefan; Grüning, Simon; Horn, Sebastian; Kohler, Matthias; Kuck, Kevin; Lingnau, Anna; Nozik, Alexandra; Odenwald, Jakob; Rieger, Felix; Schubert, Christopher; Wenze, Felix; Zimmermann, Karin, 2015, "Georeferencing of the "Lorscher Codex"",, heiDATA, V1
Collection of historic place names from the Lorscher Codex (1176-1200). Most of the (deserted) villages and cities named in the codex had been in possession of Abbey Lorsch, many of them are mentioned for the first time here. In the project the property should be visualised in mo...
Dec 18, 2015 - Archäologische Informationen
Saoub, Esther; Musawy, Amir, 2015, "Schlagzeile geht schneller als Recherche – über die journalistische Arbeit zum Antikenraub [Video- und Audiomaterial]",, heiDATA, V1
Three video files and one audio file documenting TV and radio features, which were broadcasted in 2014 and 2015. They are mentioned in a summarizing academic article about the looting of antiquities and the trade with them, and about the difficulties of serious journalism on this...
Mar 11, 2016 - Seminar für die Sprachen und Kulturen des Vorderen Orients: Zafar (Yemen)
Yule, Paul A., 2016, "Pottery drawings, Zafar, Jemen, mostly excavated",, heiDATA, V3
The corpus of material which is to be archived consists of 9211 files in 68 directories, a total of 12.1 GB. 99% are unpublished. Three kinds of image: photo, pencil drawing and vector hybrid. The vector drawings comprise 33%. They are formed by combining a vector drawing with a...
Apr 11, 2016 - PhD related material - Faculty of Philosophy
Pattathu, Antony George, 2016, "Appendix zur Dissertation "Filmische Bestattungen im Spiegel des Diskurses um den ,Guten Todʻ - Eine gegenstandsbezogene Programmatik für eine religionswissenschaftliche Filmanalyse: Motivcluster der Bestattungslandschaft im Spielfilm"",, heiDATA, V1
Das Motivcluster der Bestattungslandschaft im Spielfilm zeigt die motivische Vielfalt und Gewichtung filmischer Bestattungen innerhalb eines Korpus von 50 Spielfilmen aus dem nordamerikanischen und europäischen Raum, der für die Dissertationsschrift "Filmische Bestattungen im Spi...
Oct 20, 2016 - DAH - International Journal for Digital Art History
Lincoln, Matthew D., 2016, "Social Network Centralization Dynamics in Print Production in the Low Countries, 1550-1750",, heiDATA, V2
Data on prints held by the Rijksmuseum and the British Museum, with derived network analysis data and visualization code.
Jan 9, 2017 - CrossAsia eBooks
Jani, Jaydev A.; Schreiner, Peter, 2017, "Satsangijivanam by Shatananda: Transliterated Sanskrit text with mark-up of compounds and sandhi (SSJ-SKT-INP.txt) – Transliterated Sanskrit text in Textformat with compounds and sandhi reconstituted.",, heiDATA, V2
The Satsangijivanam is a Sanskrit text with more than 16'000 verses, describing the life and teachings of the founder of the Swaminarayan Movement. By making this text available in digitized transliteration this important source for the history of the Swaminarayan Movement and of...
Jan 18, 2017 - Cluster of Excellence - Asia and Europe in a Global Context
Ettmueller, Eliane Ursula; Arnold, Matthias; Alisch, Johannes; Sassani, Nina; Kempf, Florian; Harder, Hans, 2017, "The Abou Naddara Collection - James Sanua's complete works",, heiDATA, V1
Access to James Sanua's journal publications and his extensive oeuvre has hitherto been difficult. Therefore, the journalistic and artistic material of the Paris-exiled Egyptian nationalist has hardly received the degree of scholarly attention it actually deserves. Nevertheless,...
Feb 16, 2017 - Germania
Tasić, Nenad; Marić, Miroslav; Bronk Ramsey, Chris; Kromer, Bernd; Barclay, Alistair; Bayliss, Alex; Beavan, Nancy; Gaydarska, Bisserka; Whittle, Alasdair, 2016, "Vinča-Belo Brdo, Serbia: The times of a tell [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V2
A new radiocarbon dating programme for the sequence excavated by M. Vasić at the Neolithic site Vinča-Belo Brdo, Serbia, was designed within the framework of Bayesian chronological modeling. A total of 85 radiocarbon measurements are now available from 82 samples from known depth...
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