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91 to 100 of 135 Results
Integrative Virology(Center for Integrative Infectious Diseases Research (CIID), Heidelberg University Hospital)
Apr 18, 2023
The Center for Integrative Infectious Diseases Research is a state-of-the art research facility of the Department for Infectious Diseases at the University Hospital Heidelberg. Our mission is to define pathogenic principles of major human pathogens and to translate these findings...
Apr 18, 2023 - ElectronicVision(s)
Stock, Raphael; Kaiser, Jakob; Müller, Eric; Schemmel, Johannes; Schmitt, Sebastian, 2023, "Parametrizing Analog Multi-Compartment Neurons with Genetic Algorithms [Data]",, heiDATA, V1
This data is presented in the paper: "Parametrizing Analog Multi-Compartment Neurons with Genetic Algorithms" which is currently under review. Further information about the contents of the files can be found in the ``. Abstract: This paper employs genetic algorithms to p...
ElectronicVision(s)(Heidelberg University, Kirchhoff Institute for Physics (KIP))
Apr 18, 2023
Electronic Vision(s) is a world-leading research group in the field of analog electronic spiking processors. With BrainScaleS, they have demonstrated the world's first wafer-scale realization of an analog neural network. The current BrainScaleS architecture enables research in th...
Apr 18, 2023 - PhD related material - Faculty of Modern Languages
Lopez, Federico, 2023, "Source code and data for the PhD Thesis "Learning Neural Graph Representations in Non-Euclidean Geometries"",, heiDATA, V1
This dataset contains source code and data used in the PhD thesis "Learning Neural Graph Representations in Non-Euclidean Geometries". The dataset is split into four repositories: figet: Source code to run experiments for chapter 6 "Constructing and Exploiting Hierarchical Graphs...
Apr 18, 2023 - Propylaeum@heiDATA
Matuschik, Irenäus; Müller, Adalbert; Billamboz, André; Nelle, Oliver; Ebersbach, Renate; Schlichtherle, Helmut, 2023, "Ergänzungsmaterial zu: Siedlungsarchäologie im Alpenvorland XV. Die Pfahlbausiedlungen von Sipplingen-Osthafen am Bodensee I. Befunde und dendrochronologische Untersuchungen",, heiDATA, V1
Im Band "Siedlungsarchäologie im Alpenvorland XV" werden die Ergebnisse der Grabungen und der dendrochronologischen Untersuchungen in der Pfahlbaustation Sipplingen-Osthafen am Bodensee vorgelegt sowie die Schlussfolgerungen zur Besiedlungsgeschichte und zur Siedlungs- und Hausba...
Apr 17, 2023 - GIScience / Geoinformatics Research Group
Knoblauch, Steffen; Li, Hao; Lautenbach, Sven; Elshiaty, Yara; Rocha, Antônio A. de A.; Resch, Bernd; Arifi, Dorian; Jänisch, Thomas; Ivonne Morales; Zipf, Alexander, 2023, "Semi-supervised water tank detection to support vector control of emerging infectious diseases transmitted by Aedes Aegpyti [Research Data]",, heiDATA, V1
WATER TANK DETECTION MODEL OF JOURNAL PAPER (Semi-supervised water tank detection to support vector control of emerging infectious diseases transmitted by Aedes Aegypti) The disease transmitting mosquito Aedes Aegypti is an increasing global threat. It breeds in small artificial...
Apr 5, 2023 - AWI Experimental Economics
Brunner, Christoph; Hu, Audrey; Oechssler, Jörg, 2023, "Premium auctions and risk preferences: An experimental study [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V2, UNF:6:RjmtzIOU743u9SF+08bMgg== [fileUNF]
In premium auctions, the highest losing bidder receives a reward from the seller. This paper studies the private value English premium auction (EPA) for different risk attitudes of bidders. We explicitly derive the symmetric equilibrium for bidders with CARA utilities and conduct...
Apr 4, 2023 - Bunz Group
Hippchen, Nikolai; Heinzel, Elena; Zhang, Cathy K.; Jäger, Patrick; Elter, Maximilian; Ludwig, Philipp; Rominger, Frank; Freudenberg, Jan; Cao, Dennis D.; Bunz, Uwe H. F., 2023, "Second Generation of Cata-Annulated Azaacene Bisimides: Towards Electron Accepting Materials [research data]",, heiDATA, V1
Herein we provide the reserach data for the puplication: "Second Generation of Cata-Annulated Azaacene Bisimides: Towards Electron Accepting Materials". Where we present the second generation of cata-annulated azaacene bisimides with increased electron affinities compared to thei...
Mar 29, 2023 - Central Institute of Mental Health - Systems Neuroscience in Psychiatry (SNiP)
Renz, Malika Pia; Zidda, Francesca; Andoh, Jamila; Prager, Marcel; Sack, Markus; Becker, Robert; Ruf, Matthias; Schmitgen, Mike M.; Wolf, Robert C.; Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas; Tost, Heike, 2023, "Code and Workflow for Checking Image Arrival Times in fMRI Neurofeedback Experiments",, heiDATA, V1
Dataset containing SOP & code for replicating measurements of image arrival times in an fMRI setup.
Mar 27, 2023 - Medical Biophysics Group
Martín-Cortecero, Jesús; Isaías-Camacho, Emilio Ulises; Boztepe, Berin; Ziegler, Katharina; Mease, Rebecca Audrey; Groh, Alexander, 2023, "Monosynaptic trans-collicular pathways link mouse whisker circuits to integrate somatosensory and motor cortical signals [Research Data]",, heiDATA, V2
This dataset contains electrophysiological spike time data and figure data for anatomical quantifications reported in Martín-Cortecero et al. Monosynaptic trans-collicular pathways for sensory-motor integration in the whisker system (2023).
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