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1 to 7 of 7 Results
Deschler-Group: Functional Material Dynamics(Heidelberg University, Institute of Physical Chemistry)
Jul 24, 2023
Open Research Data on functional material dynamics of the Deschler Group at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of Heidelberg University.
Jun 12, 2023 - SFB 1249: N-Heteropolyzyklen als Funktionsmaterialien - C: Material & Function
Herrmann, Niklas; von Coelln, Nadine; Teichgreber, Robin M.; Höfener, Sebastian; Huck, Christian; Ghalami, Farhad; Settele, Simon; Hertzog, Manuel; Elstner, Marcus; Tegeder, Petra; Herzig, Eva M.; Zaumseil, Jana, 2023, "Optical and electronic properties of different thin-film polymorphs of PDIF-CN2 controlled by zone-casting conditions [data]",, heiDATA, V1
Underlying data for figures in the paper "Optical and electronic properties of different thin-film polymorphs of PDIF-CN2 controlled by zone-casting conditions"
Jun 5, 2023 - Nanomaterials for Optoelectronics NMOE
Lindenthal, Sebastian Steffen; Fazzi, Daniele; Zorn, Nicolas Frederic; El Yumin, Abdurrahman Ali; Settele, Simon; Weidinger, Britta; Blasco, Eva; Zaumseil, Jana, 2023, "Optical properties of doped and undoped 9-armchair graphene nanoribbons [data]",, heiDATA, V1
Graphene nanoribbons are one-dimensional stripes of graphene with width- and edge-structure-dependent electronic properties. They can be synthesized bottom-up to obtain precise ribbon geometries. Here we investigate the optical properties of solution-synthesized 9-armchair graphe...
Mar 24, 2023 - HITS MBM
Rennekamp, Benedikt; Gräter, Frauke, 2023, "Collagen breaks at weak sacrificial bonds taming its mechanoradicals [Data]",, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:Da6omTKjrSvNcDwyJxuHOg== [fileUNF]
This dataset contains input files for MD simulations, derived breakage counts from these simulations that are used to generate the figures in the publication, and the experimental, uncropped SDS-PAGE gels of the presented results in the related publication. Abstract of related pu...
Mar 17, 2023SFB 1249: N-Heteropolyzyklen als Funktionsmaterialien
Open Research Data from SFB 1249: N-Heteropolyzyklen als Funktionsmaterialien. Research Area B: Theory & Structure.
Mar 17, 2023SFB 1249: N-Heteropolyzyklen als Funktionsmaterialien
Open Research Data from SFB 1249: N-Heteropolyzyklen als Funktionsmaterialien. Research Area C: Material & Function.
SFB 1249: N-Heteropolyzyklen als Funktionsmaterialien logo
Mar 17, 2023
The SFB 1249 is an interdisciplinary Collaborative Research Centre at Heidelberg University with project partners at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), MPI for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, University of Kassel and the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (...
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