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51 to 60 of 93 Results
Sep 7, 2020 - IWR Visual Learning Lab
Brachmann, Eric, 2020, "Expert Sample Consensus (ESAC) for Visual Re-Localization [Data]",, heiDATA, V1
Supplementary training data for visual camera re-localization, particularly pre-computed scene coordinates to the MSR 7Scenes dataset and the Standford 12Scenes dataset. We also provide pre-trained models of our method for the 7Scenes, 12Scenes, Dubrovnik and Aachen (day) dataset...
Sep 7, 2020 - IWR Visual Learning Lab
Brachmann, Eric, 2020, "Neural-Guided RANSAC for Estimating Epipolar Geometry [Data]",, heiDATA, V1
Pre-computed sparse feature correspondences for pairs of images (outdoor and indoor) to reproduce the experiments described in our paper, particularly to train and evaluate NG-RANSAC. For more information, also see the code documentation:
Sep 7, 2020 - IWR Visual Learning Lab
Brachmann, Eric, 2020, "6D Object Pose Estimation using 3D Object Coordinates [Data]",, heiDATA, V1
Supplementary training data and binaries for 6D object pose estimation, particularly a dataset of 20 objects under various lighting conditions with RGB-D images, ground truth poses and segmentation as well as 3D models. Additionally, a collection of RGB-D images showing office ba...
Sep 7, 2020 - IWR Visual Learning Lab
Brachmann, Eric, 2020, "DSAC++ Visual Camera Re-Localization [Data]",, heiDATA, V1
Supplementary training data for visual camera re-localization, particularly rendered depth maps to be used in combination with the Cambridge Landmarks dataset. We also provide pre-trained models of our method for the MSR 7Scenes dataset and the Cambridge Landmarks dataset. For mo...
Sep 7, 2020 - IWR Visual Learning Lab
Brachmann, Eric, 2020, "Differentiable RANSAC (DSAC) for Visual Re-Localization [Data]",, heiDATA, V1
Pre-trained models of our camera re-localization method for the MSR 7Scenes dataset. For more information, also see the code documentation:
Oct 26, 2020 - OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality
Schepp, Moritz, 2020, "OwnReality API-only web application",, heiDATA, V1
This dataset contains the data platform for the research project "OwnReality. To Each His Own Reality". During the course of the project, data was gathered and entered into a database. In general, this platform allows the integration of that data into web based systems such as co...
Jan 20, 2021 - Empirical Linguistics and Computational Language Modeling (LiMo)
van den Berg, Esther; Korfhage, Katharina; Ruppenhofer, Josef; Wiegand, Michael; Markert, Katja, 2020, "German Twitter Titling Corpus",, heiDATA, V2, UNF:6:14BxjwJS7Q3mfI6ei7iBBw== [fileUNF]
The German Titling Twitter Corpus consists of 1904 stance-annotated tweets collected in June/July 2018 mentioning 24 German politicians with a doctoral degree. The Addendum contains an additional 296 stance-annotated tweets from each month of 2018 mentioning 10 politicians with a...
Feb 17, 2021 - Empirical Linguistics and Computational Language Modeling (LiMo)
Daza, Angel, 2021, "X-SRL Dataset and mBERT Word Aligner",, heiDATA, V1
This code contains a method to automatically align words from parallel sentences by using multilingual BERT pre-trained embeddings. This can be used to transfer source annotations (for example labeled English sentences) into the target side (for example a German translation of th...
Mar 26, 2021 - IWR Computer Graphics
Mara, Hubert, 2019, "HeiCuBeDa Hilprecht - Heidelberg Cuneiform Benchmark Dataset for the Hilprecht Collection",, heiDATA, V2
The number of known cuneiform tablets is assumed to be in the hundreds of thousands. A fraction has been published by printing photographs and manual tracings in books, which is collected by the online Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI) catalog including some of these im...
Jul 27, 2021 - Institute of Pathology Mannheim
Runz, Marlen; Weis, Cleo-Aron, 2021, "Normalization of HE-Stained Histological Images using Cycle Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks [Dataset]",, heiDATA, V1
Here we provide the data sets supporting the experiments in our publication Normalization of HE-Stained Histological Images using Cycle Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks, which were collected at the Institute of Pathology, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University....
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