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31 to 40 of 102 Results
ElectronicVision(s)(Heidelberg University, Kirchhoff Institute for Physics (KIP))
Apr 18, 2023
Electronic Vision(s) is a world-leading research group in the field of analog electronic spiking processors. With BrainScaleS, they have demonstrated the world's first wafer-scale realization of an analog neural network. The current BrainScaleS architecture enables research in th...
Apr 18, 2023 - Propylaeum@heiDATA
Matuschik, Irenäus; Müller, Adalbert; Billamboz, André; Nelle, Oliver; Ebersbach, Renate; Schlichtherle, Helmut, 2023, "Ergänzungsmaterial zu: Siedlungsarchäologie im Alpenvorland XV. Die Pfahlbausiedlungen von Sipplingen-Osthafen am Bodensee I. Befunde und dendrochronologische Untersuchungen",, heiDATA, V1
Im Band "Siedlungsarchäologie im Alpenvorland XV" werden die Ergebnisse der Grabungen und der dendrochronologischen Untersuchungen in der Pfahlbaustation Sipplingen-Osthafen am Bodensee vorgelegt sowie die Schlussfolgerungen zur Besiedlungsgeschichte und zur Siedlungs- und Hausba...
Apr 17, 2023 - GIScience / Geoinformatics Research Group
Knoblauch, Steffen; Li, Hao; Lautenbach, Sven; Elshiaty, Yara; Rocha, Antônio A. de A.; Resch, Bernd; Arifi, Dorian; Jänisch, Thomas; Ivonne Morales; Zipf, Alexander, 2023, "Semi-supervised water tank detection to support vector control of emerging infectious diseases transmitted by Aedes Aegpyti [Research Data]",, heiDATA, V1
WATER TANK DETECTION MODEL OF JOURNAL PAPER (Semi-supervised water tank detection to support vector control of emerging infectious diseases transmitted by Aedes Aegypti) The disease transmitting mosquito Aedes Aegypti is an increasing global threat. It breeds in small artificial...
Medical Biophysics Group (Heidelberg University, Medical Faculty Heidelberg)
Mar 13, 2023
Open Research Data from Medical Biophysics Group of Prof. Alexander Groh at the Medical Faculty Heidelberg.
Feb 1, 2023 - 3D Spatial Data Processing
Winiwarter, Lukas; Anders, Katharina; Battuvshin, Guyen; Menzel, Lucas; Höfle, Bernhard, 2023, "UAV laser scanning and terrestrial laser scanning point clouds of snow-on and snow-off conditions of a forest plot in the black forest at Hundseck, Baden-Württemberg, Germany [data]",, heiDATA, V1
This dataset consists of 3D point clouds acquired via UAV laser scanning (ULS) of a forest plot in the Black Forest in Hundseck, Germany. The plot was captured under snow conditions in January 2021, and the acquisition was repeated under snow-off conditions in February 2021. Addi...
Jan 12, 2023 - Deutsch-französische Kunstvermittlung 1870-1960
DFK-Paris, 2023, "Deutsch-Französische Kunstvermittlung 1870–1960 [data and software]",, heiDATA, V1
Overview This dataset contains the data of the three databases "Deutsch-Französische Kunstvermittlung 1870-1940, Paris", "Deutsch-Französische Kunstvermittlung 1870-1940/44, Berlin" and "Deutsch-Französische Kunstvermittlung 1945-1960, Paris" as Spreadsheets and a JSON-document a...
Nov 23, 2022 - Institute of Organic Chemistry - AK Mastalerz
Yang, Xuan; Elbert, Sven Michael; Rominger, Frank; Mastalerz, Michael, 2022, "A Series of Soluble Thieno-fused Coronene Nanoribbons of Precise Lengths [Data]",, heiDATA, V1
Among graphene nanoribbons (GNRs), reports on coronene-based GNRs were very rare, despite the unique optoelectronic properties of coronene. Herein, the synthesis of a series of structurally precise and soluble thieno-fused coronene nanoribbons (CR-1 to CR-4) with up to four coron...
HITS MBM(Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies)
Nov 8, 2022
Data publications from the the Molecular Biomechanics (MBM) group at HITS. Shareholders of HITS are the “HITS-Stiftung”, Heidelberg University and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Bothlab(Institute of Physiology and Pathophysiology, Medical Faculty, Heidelberg University)
Sep 22, 2022
The research group focuses on the rodent hippocampus as a model system. This cortical region is centrally involved in declarative memory processes and shows pronounced and distinct patterns of network activity (e.g. gamma oscillations, sharp wave-ripples): Additionally, hippocamp...
Jul 21, 2022 - 3D Spatial Data Processing
Shinoto, Maria; Doneus, Michael; Haijima, Hideyuki; Weiser, Hannah; Zahs, Vivien; Kempf, Dominic; Daskalakis, Gwydion; Höfle, Bernhard; Nakamura, Naoko, 2022, "3D Point Cloud from Nakadake Sanroku Kiln Site Center, Japan: Sample Data for the Application of Adaptive Filtering with the AFwizard",, heiDATA, V2
This data set represents 3D point clouds acquired with LiDAR technology and related files from a subregion of 150*436 sqm in the ancient Nakadake Sanroku Kiln Site Center in South Japan. It is a densely vegetated mountainous region with varied topography and vegetation. The data...
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