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Jun 17, 2021
Dinger, Florian; Kleinbek, Timo; Dörner, Steffen; Bobrowski, Nicole; Platt, Ulrich; Wagner, Thomas; Ibarra, Martha; Espinoza, Eveling, 2021, "SO2 and BrO emissions of Masaya volcano from 2014 to 2020 [Research Data]", https://doi.org/10.11588/data/IX51KS, heiDATA, V1, UNF:6:VbhqF5vB+XRklpsSgIST5A== [fileUNF]
EXCERPT FROM ABSTRACT: Masaya (Nicaragua, 12.0°N, 86.2°W; 635m a.s.l.) is one of the few volcanoes hosting a lava lake, today. This study has two foci: (1) discussing the state of the art of long-term SO2 emission flux monitoring with the example of Masaya and (2) the provision a... |