Covariance resampling for particle filter -- state and parameter estimation for soil hydrology [dataset] (doi:10.11588/data/MFU6EV)


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Part 2: Study Description
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Document Description



Covariance resampling for particle filter -- state and parameter estimation for soil hydrology [dataset]

Identification Number:




Date of Distribution:




Bibliographic Citation:

Berg, Daniel; Hannes H. Bauser; Kurt Roth, 2019, "Covariance resampling for particle filter -- state and parameter estimation for soil hydrology [dataset]",, heiDATA, V1

Study Description



Covariance resampling for particle filter -- state and parameter estimation for soil hydrology [dataset]

Identification Number:


Authoring Entity:

Berg, Daniel (Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP), Heidelberg University, Germany)

Hannes H. Bauser (Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP), Heidelberg University, Germany)

Kurt Roth (Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP), Heidelberg University, Germany)



Access Authority:

Berg, Daniel

Holdings Information:

Study Scope


Earth and Environmental Sciences, Physics


This repository contains the data for the paper 'Covariance resampling for particle filter -- state and parameter estimation for soil hydrology'. All plots contained in the paper can be reproduced using this data.


The zip-archive '' contains eight HDF5 files. <br> <p> Files ending with '..._data.h5' contain the data of the synthetic truth: <br> 'measurement_positions': position [cm] of the measurements <br> Following data have the time [s] in the first row: <br> 'measurement_stddevs': standard deviation of the measurements<br> 'measurements': actual measurements<br> 'true_state': true water content state<br> 'true_state_parameter': true values of the Mualem-van Genuchten parameters, where the first pair is the decadic logarithm of the saturated conductivity function, the second pair is the parameter n-1 and the third pair is alpha. <br> </p> <p> Files ending with '..._da_run.h5' contain the particle filter run, where the data has the time [s] in the first row:<br> 'weights_prior': initial weights (equally weighted)<br> 'weights_forecast': weights after the forecast<br> 'weights_weighted': weights after updating with the measurements<br> 'weights_analysis': weights after resampling <br> In the folder 'state' and 'state_parameter' is the temporal development of each ensemble member saved, including their mean. </p> <br> <br> <p> The main run of the paper, used for the plots in section 4 & 5 is saved in:<br> 'resampling_main_data.h5'<br> 'resampling_main_da_run.h5' </p> <p> The run without data assimilation (resampling is switched off) from the start is saved in: 'free_run_da.h5'<br> </p> <br> <br> <p> The particle filter runs with a model error used for the plots in section 6.2 are saved for the 10% bias in: <br> '10_percent_bias_data.h5' <br> '10_percent_bias_da_run.h5' </p> <p> and for the 20% bias in:<br> '20_percent_bias_data.h5' <br> '20_percent_bias_da_run.h5' </p> <br> <br> <p> Since the runs in section 6.1 and the supplementary are too large, the analyzed data is saved in:<br> 'seed_dependency_analysis.h5' <br> </p> <p> Section 6.1: The folders 'adaptivity_1_0', 'adaptivity_1_1', 'adaptivity_1_2' and 'adaptivity_1_3' contain the ensemble members, mean and variance of the water content used for figure 10 in the paper. </p> <p> Supplementary: The rest of the data in 'seed_dependency_analysis.h5 ' is part of the supplementary. The mean parameter value at the last assimilation time step is saved for each parameter with the different realizations in x-direction and the ensemble sizes in y-direction. <br> The ensemble sizes are different for each factor of gamma:<br> for gamma=1.0: from: 20 to 180 with stepsize 20<br> &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; from: 200 to 600 with stepsize 50<br> &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; &emsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; from: 700 to 1000 with stepsize 50<br> for gamma=1.1: from 20 to 300 with stepsize 20 <br> for gamma=1.2: from 10 to 180 with stepsize 10<br> for gamma=1.3: from 10 to 160 with stepsize 10 <br> </p>

Methodology and Processing

Sources Statement

Data Access

Other Study Description Materials

Related Publications



Berg, D., Bauser, H. H., and Roth, K.: Covariance resampling for particle filter – state and parameter estimation for soil hydrology, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 1163-1178, 2019.

Identification Number:


Bibliographic Citation:

Berg, D., Bauser, H. H., and Roth, K.: Covariance resampling for particle filter – state and parameter estimation for soil hydrology, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 1163-1178, 2019.

Other Study-Related Materials




